A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation that illustrates the sequence of steps or actions involved in a process, workflow, or system. It uses standardized symbols like arrows, rectangles, diamonds, and ovals to visually outline each step, making it easier to understand complex processes.
Common symbols in flowcharts:
1. Oval: Start or end of a process.
2. Rectangle: A process or instruction.
3. Diamond: A decision point (yes/no or true/false).
4. Arrow: Shows the flow or direction from one step to another.
5. Parallelogram: Input/output operations.
Uses of Flowcharts:
Clarifying complex processes or procedures.
Documenting workflows for troubleshooting.
Planning and designing new processes.
Analyzing and improving existing processes.
Flowcharts are widely used in fields like software development, engineering, business, and education because they offer a clear, visual way to explain processes and help with decision-making.